Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Fat Wednesday vs. Valentine's Day

Today there's Valentine's Day. Frankly speaking I hate this holiday. Everyone sends the cards with hearts, presents flowers and so on, but we can express our feelings to beloved person each day... I think that Velentine's Day is far-fetched...
Tomorrow in Poland is Fat Thursady (which is also celebrated in Germany - Fetter Donnerstag). It's traditional feast marking the last Thursday before the Lent. People eat large quantities of sweets. Polish traditional dishes, which are served on that day are pączki (fist-sized donuts filled with marmalade) and faworki (crispy biscuits in the shape of thin folded ribbons).
Beacuse Magda is going on the trip tomorrow, we decided to organize Fat Wednesday. And because today is also Valentine's Day, we connected these two holidays :) Fat Wednesday vs. Valentine's Day - sounds nice :) We made faworki and we had a great fun.

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